Pengaruh Footbath Therapy terhadap Penurunan Skala Nyeri pada Ibu Post Sectio Caesarea


  • Lia Oktarina
  • Aprina Aprina Poltekkes Tanjungkarang
  • Purwati Purwati Poltekkes Tanjungkarang



Footbath therapy, Pain scale decrease, Post sectio caesarea.


The World Health Organization (WHO) in 2015 puts the average standard of sectio caesarea around 5-15% per 1000 world births. RISKESDAS (2018) data on the rate of deliveries by cesarean section reached an average of 17.6%. The process of giving birth through cesarean section has a higher risk of experiencing pain and anxiety compared to normal delivery. One of the treatments to treat pain is using footbath therapy. The purpose of the study was to know the effect of footbath therapy on reducing pain scale in post sectio caesarea mothers at Muhammadiyah Metro Hospital, Lampung Province in 2021.Types of quantitative research. Quasi-experimental research design with non-equivalent control group design using an accidental sampling technique. The population is post sectio caesarea mother. The number of samples was 32 respondents in the intervention group and 32 respondents in the control group. Time of research in May - June 2021. Statistical test using t-test dependent and independent t-tests. The results showed that the average decrease in pain scale before and after the intervention was from 6.50 to 4.69 and obtained p-value=(0.000)<(0.05) which means that there is an effect of footbath therapy on reducing pain scale in post-sectio caesarea mothers at Muhammadiyah Metro Hospital, Lampung Province in 2021. Researchers suggest that nurses dealing with pain not only use therapy only pharmacology but can be accompanied by non-pharmacological therapy, namely footbath therapy.


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