Journal History


[April 2010] Jurnal Kesehatan, set up by Hary Widodo (Head of research and community service units), on the orders of the Director Poltekkes Tanjungkarang (Sri Indra Trigunarso) and acquire LIPI ISSN 2086 7751, as well as cooperation (MOU) with several professional organizations. Jurnal Kesehatan is published twice a year by the research and community service units.


Jurnal Kesehatan changed editors and team under the leadership of Karbito.


Jurnal Kesehatan changed the editor-in-chief, becoming Yuliati Amperaningsih.


[April 2015] Jurnal Kesehatan changed the editor-in-chief, becoming Aprina.

[August 2015] Jurnal Kesehatan has been indexed in Google Scholar.


[April 2016] Jurnal Kesehatan was published three times in one year.

[November 2016] Jurnal Kesehatan found a duplicate publication that is on behalf of Rusmala Dewi, Dewi Damayanti, published in Jurnal Kesehatan Volume VII No. 3 in November 2016 and also in the Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia, and the article had been withdrawn (retraction).


[February 2017] Jurnal Kesehatan got Online ISSN, E-ISSN 2548 5695.

[April 2017] Jurnal Kesehatan has updated the author's guidelines, editorial team, and peer reviewers from various institutions.

[April 2017] Jurnal Kesehatan formed a partnership with eight professional organizations such as IBI, PPNI, PTGI, PPGI, Persagi, HAKLI, PATELKI, and PAFI

[July 2017] Jurnal Kesehatan has been indexed DOAJ.

[August 2017] Jurnal Kesehatan has been indexed by SINTA.

[August 2017] Jurnal Kesehatan has DOI by crossref prefix institution (10.26630).

[March 2018] Jurnal Kesehatan has updated the author's guidelines, template, editorial team, and peer reviewers.

[April 2018] Jurnal Kesehatan submit National Accreditation DIKTI

[August 2018] Jurnal Kesehatan has accreditation by DIKTI
[November 2018] Jurnal Kesehatan submits reaccreditation and still gets accreditation level 3 with number 34/E/KPT/2018 in December 2018

[Januari 2019] Jurnal Kesehatan has updated the author's guidelines, editorial team, and peer reviewers.
[March 2020] Jurnal Kesehatan changed the editor-in-chief, becoming Lisa Suarni.
[March 2020] Jurnal Kesehatan has updated the editorial team and peer reviewers.
[April 2020] Jurnal Kesehatan has updated the author's guidelines and template.
[February 2021] Jurnal Kesehatan has updated the editorial board and peer reviewers.
[April 2021] Jurnal Kesehatan submits reaccreditation and still gets accreditation level 3 with number 164/E/KPT/2021 in December 2021
Accreditation valid from Volume 12 Nomor 1 Tahun 2021 till Volume 16 Nomor 2 Tahun 2025 
Jurnal Kesehatan has updated the editorial board and peer reviewers.
Jurnal Kesehatan has updated the author's guidelines, editorial team, and peer reviewers from various institutions and other countries.
Jurnal Kesehatan updated a partnership with some professional organizations.