Nurses Monitor Medication with a Schedule for Undrop-Out Program (SRAGAM) for TBC Clients


  • Andi Rinaldo Poltekkes Kemenkes Tanjung Karang
  • Aprina Aprina [Scopus ID: 57203993183] Jurusan Keperawatan, Politeknik Kesehatan Tanjung Karang



Counseling, Prevention treatment, Tuberculosis.


Regulation Minister of Health Republic Indonesia Number 15 of 2022 through 6 pillars of health transformation, one of which is primary service, namely medication adherence education. Ministry of Health Republic Indonesia, (2020) the 2020-2024 RPJMN policy directions and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) regarding six diseases, one is Tuberculosis (TBC). TBC prevalence in Southeast Asia (44%), Indonesia (8.5%), Lampung (40.2%), and South Lampung (41%). Indonesia's strategy to reduce the incidence of TBC has six plans: the 2020-2024 national tuberculosis program, optimizing promotion and prevention efforts, providing tuberculosis prevention treatment, and controlling. TBC treatment 6-24 months resulted in drop-out treatment. Nurses play a supervisory role and carry out counseling to increase patient adherence. The Schedule For Undrop-Out Program (SRAGAM) is a media innovation to improve patient medication adherence. SRAGAM makes it easier for patients, PMOs, and health workers to arrange medication-taking schedules. The purpose is to determine the effect of SRAGAM on increasing patient adherence. Research is a quantitative one-group pretest-posttest with a control group preexperimental design. Respondents were patients who were taking drugs. The number of samples was 32 respondents (16 intervention:16 control). The research was from December 2022 to May 2023 in Hajimena Health Center, South Lampung. Data analysis using t-test. The results of the study mean value intervention group (5.6875) and control group (4.1250). The P-value of 0.000 concluded that SRAGAM effectively increased the number of patients taking medication. The results will become educational media in preventing the incidence of dropping medication in patients.

Author Biography

Aprina Aprina, [Scopus ID: 57203993183] Jurusan Keperawatan, Politeknik Kesehatan Tanjung Karang


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