Model Stimulasi dan Resiliensi terhadap Perkembangan Sosial Emosional Anak Usia 3- 5 tahun


  • Elly Dwi Masita Unusa
  • Annif Munjidah Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya
  • Hinda Noviyanti Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya



Resillience, Stimulation, Socio emotional.


Statistical data from the Covid 19 task force in Surabaya confirmed that the death rate for COVID-19 cases until February 2021 reached 1,276 from a cumulative number of 19,089 confirmed COVID-19 and most of the deaths were 42 years old. This condition caused fear, especially in the elderly, and families with children, toddlers, and families with newborns who are at risk of mental health crises, thus requiring the development of a resilience framework to develop a stimulation model for children's social-emotional development based on cultural values and beliefs. This study aimed to determine the model of parental stimulation and resilience and their effect on children's social and emotional development. This research is a survey with a cross-sectional approach, totality sampling is 300 respondents, the instrument uses a questionnaire, while the social-emotional uses the Social Diversity Questionnaire. Test analysis using SEM modeling. The results of the stimulation model have a positive influence on children's socio-emotional development of 0.78 with a t-count value of 4.556 and p-value=0.001. The resilience stage model has a t-count value of 4.987 and a path coefficient of 0.92 with a p-value=0.001. The resilience stage has a positive influence on the stimulation model of 0.57 with a t-count value of 3.245 and a p-value 0.001. Activities to stimulate the development of children at the age of 5 years can be done by making work together with parents with resilience conditions in the recovery stage.


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