Air Minum, Sanitasi, dan Hygiene sebagai Faktor Risiko Stunting di Wilayah Pedesaan

Amrul Hasan, Haris Kadarusman, Agus Sutopo


The prevalence of stunted toddlers becomes a public health problem if the prevalence is 20% or more. The 2014 Global Nutrition Report reported that Indonesia was included in 17 of 117 countries, with three nutritional problems, namely stunting, wasting, and overweight. The percentage of stunted toddlers in Indonesia is still high and is a health problem that must be addressed. The high rate of stunting in toddlers aged 6-24 months is due to access to quality drinking water, sanitation and hygiene are still low, so the risk of toddlers suffering from infectious diseases is still high which has an impact on the low intake of nutrients needed for toddler growth. This study aims to determine access to drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene as risk factors for stunting, using a case-control design, the number of samples is 525 (175 cases 350 controls) children aged 6-24 months. The results of this study found that individuals who have access to inadequate drinking water are at risk 4.62 times (95% CI1.924-11.077) compared to safe drinking water, and access to sanitation is not yet at risk 4.60 times (95% CI: 2.111-10.009) compared to Access to safe sanitation. Not having access to hygiene has a risk of 3.67 times (95% CI: 1.978-6.815) compared to access to proper hygiene. This study concludes that drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene are risk factors for stunting in North Sungkai District. So coordination between sectors and involving various stakeholders need to be improved.


Drinking water; Hygiene; Sanitation; Stunting.

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