Edinburgh Post-natal Depression Scale (EPDS): Deteksi Dini dan Skrining Depresi Post-partum


  • Farhan Kamali Adli universitas Lampung




Early detection, EPDS, Post-partum depression, Screening.


The Edinburgh post-natal depression scale (EPDS) is an instrument that can be used worldwide for screening for symptoms of post-partum depression (PPD). PPD is a mood disorder/mood swings that occur after delivery which usually occurs within 4 weeks after delivery. In Indonesia, the number of cases of PPD is often undetected because it is considered a common symptom in newborns. This EPDS instrument is in the form of a questionnaire with 10 easy-to-use questions to assess the heart/mood that one has been feeling for the past week with not too long processing time. Each has a score scale of 0-3 with a maximum of 30 points. The EPDS has a sensitivity of 96% and a specificity of 82% with a cut-off value of 10. With the high sensitivity and specificity of the EPDS instrument and its ease of use, the EPDS can be used as a tool for comprehensive screening before making the diagnosis of PPD without specifying the cause of depression. It is hoped that this paper, can add references to the use of EPDS in Indonesia and its benefits so that it can detect early and screen the incidence of PPD in Indonesia so that it can be handled from the start without any impact on mothers and children as a result of PPD experienced.

Author Biography

Farhan Kamali Adli, universitas Lampung

Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter, Fakultas Kedokteran


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