Literature Review: Dampak Social Distancing terhadap Kesehatan Mental Kelompok Rentan Selama Pandemi Covid-19

Dian Fajarwati, Eka Nur Cahyaningrum, Meli Alviana Kurniasari, Saryono Saryono


In an effort to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic, the government has implemented various policies including social restrictions which resulted in the limitation of various community activities. This research purposes to determine the impact of social distancing application on the mental health of vulnerable groups including children, pregnant women, and the elderly. This research used a systematic review using databases from PubMed and Science Direct. The search was carried out using the keywords Covid-19, social distancing, mental health and vulnerable groups. From the search results, it was found that 1087 articles were then filtered using the PRISMA method until 6 articles were found in accordance with the discussion. The results showed that social distancing has a significant impact on the mental health of vulnerable groups including children, pregnant women, and the elderly. Therefore, the efforts to adjust, to modify of health services and to increase of social support for vulnerable groups are needed to support social distancing in controlling Covid-19.


Covid-19; Mental health; Social distancing; Vulnerable groups.

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