Hubungan Lama Menstruasi dan Konsumsi Zat Besi dengan Kadar Hemoglobin pada Remaja Putri


  • Shania Qotima Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu
  • Desri Suryani Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu
  • Miratul Haya Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu



Adolescent girls, Hemoglobin levels, Iron consumption, Menstruation period.


Iron nutrient anemia in adolescents can harm health. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between menstrual periods and iron consumption with hemoglobin levels in young women at SMP Negeri 19 Kota Bengkulu. This study uses a cross-sectional design. The sampling technique was a purposive sampling of 44 young women. Primary data collection is obtained by measuring the hemoglobin values taken using the Easy Touch GCHb tool, menstrual time taken by questionnaire, and knowing daily iron consumption by direct interview using the Semi-FFQ form, while secondary data is obtained by name, class, age, and the total number of young women in SMP Negeri 19 Kota Bengkulu. The test used in this study is the Pearson correlation test. The results showed that the average menstrual period was 7.7 days, the average yield of iron consumption was 8.14mg/day, and the average yield on hemoglobin levels was 11.70g/dl. The test results of the relationship between menstrual periods and hemoglobin levels obtained p value=0.005 with r=-0.417 shows that the strength of a moderate and negative pattern of relationship means that the greater the duration of menstruation, the smaller the hemoglobin level, and there is a relationship between iron consumption and hemoglobin levels obtained p-value=0,000 with r=0.665 shows that the strength of a strong relationship and positive pattern means that the greater the consumption of iron, the greater the hemoglobin level. There is a relationship between the duration of menstruation and hemoglobin levels, iron consumption, and hemoglobin levels. 


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