Literature Review: Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera) sebagai Makanan Sehat Pelengkap Nutrisi 1000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan

Fauziah Hanif, Khairun Nisa Berawi


Stunting is a growth disorder in toddlers as a result of chronic malnutrition so the child's height does not match their age based on the index of height for age (TB/U) with limits (z-score) is less than -2 Standard Deviation. The impact of stunting causes irreversible disruptions to the physical development of children, which causes a decrease in children's cognitive and motor skills, as well as increased susceptibility to suffering from a disease. One way to overcome malnutrition that occurs in children under five needs to be supplemented with supplementary feeding (PMT). Providing balanced nutrition in the first 1,000 days of life (HPK) can meet the needs of macro and micronutrients to avoid or reduce the risk of stunting. High amounts of protein, iron, calcium, and carotenoids are important for the growth and development of children, especially in preventing stunted growth and malnutrition of protein energy. Moringa leaves are reported to have quite a few nutrients, namely, 10 times the vitamin A found in carrots, 17 times calcium milk, 9 times the protein of yogurt, and carotenoids which are more than oranges, carrots, and melons. Moringa oleifera can be used to treat malnutrition and strengthen complementary foods with local plants that are rich in protein and micronutrients. Processed Moringa leaves can be consumed in dry or wet form and mixed in other foodstuffs with minimal costs. This menu can be a complementary food to fulfill the nutritional needs of 1000 HPK.


Food additives; Moringa oleifera; Stunting.

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