Journal History

Jurnal Kesehatan Metro Sai Wawai (JKMSaw) is published by Department of Midwifery, Politektik Kesehatan Kemenkes Tanjungkarang (Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Tanjung Karang), Indonesia. The JKMSaw was first published in December 2008 in the form of print media with P-ISSN 19779-469X. Since 2019, the Journal has been published in print and online, twice a year (June and December) with E-ISSN 2657-1390, and has been accredited as a 4th Grade Scientific Journal (Sinta 4, Peringkat 4) since December 2018. Accreditation Number: 36/E/KPT/2019 valid until June 2023 (View Certificate: Here)

The Journal is published regularly in June, and December every year in Indonesian or English starting in 2022,.