Implementasi Penanggulangan TB Paru: Sinergi Peran Tenaga Kesehatan, Promosi Kesehatan, dan Kader TB – Analisis Model SEM PLS


  • Raudatul Rizkiyah Program Studi Magister Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Indonesia Maju, Indonesia
  • Rindu Rindu Program Studi Magister Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Indonesia Maju, Indonesia
  • Nining Arini Program Studi Magister Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Indonesia Maju, Indonesia



Kader TB; penggulangan TB; promosi Kesehatan; stop TB.


Background: The cure rate ofuberculosis T (TB) patients has increased. However, TB cases are still on an upward trend. Indications of the implementation of TB control and prevention are still far from the End TB target or TB elimination. Purpose: The focus of research is to evaluate the influence of the role of health workers, the role of health promotion, and the role of TB cadres on the implementation of tuberculosis control at the Cibinong Public Health Center, Indonesia in 2022. Methods: Cross sectional study was chosen as the design of this study with PLS model analysis. Involving pulmonary tuberculosis patients who received outpatient treatment as many as 90 respondents who met the inclusion and expansion criteria as a research sample. The data collection instrument uses questionnaires, in the form of positive questions with closed ended questions with multiple choices to obtain data on the role of health workers, health promotion and cadres. Data analysis was performed in a multivariate manner using SEM models with Smart PLS. Results: The evaluation of TB control was influenced by the role of health workers, the role of health promotion and the role of cadres by 94.5%, 11.4%, and 67.3% respectively. The model was able to explain the variability of the data by 97.3%, while 2.7% was explained by other variables that were not studied in this study. Conclusion: Increasing the role of health workers, the role of health programs, and the role of TB cadres affect TB control. Therefore, cross-sectoral synergy, cooperation between health workers and TB cadres as well as the general public to achieve the WHO target, namely End TB in 2035 or and the Ministry of Health's program to accelerate the elimination of TB programs in 2030 need to be increased by seeking effective innovations. Latar Belakang: Tingkat kesembuhan pasien Tuberkulosis (TB) mengalami peningkatan. Namun, kasus TB masih mengalami tren peningkatan. Indikasi implementasi penanggulangan dan pencegahan TB masih jauh dari target End TB atau eliminasi TB. Tujuan: Fokus penelitian untuk menganalisis pengaruh peran tenaga kesehatan, peran promosi kesehatan, dan peran kader TB terhadap implementasi penanggulangan TB di Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat Cibinong, Indonesia tahun 2022. Metode: Studi cross sectional dipilih sebagai desain penelitian ini dengan analisis model PLS. Melibatkan pasien TB paru yang berobat rawat jalan sebanyak 90 responden yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksluasi sebagai sampel penelitian. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dalam bentuk pertanyaan positif dengan pertanyaan tertutup (close ended) dengan multiple choice untuk memperoleh data peran tenaga kesehatan, promosi kesehatan dan kader. Analisis data dilakukan secara multivariat menggunakan SEM dengan Smart PLS. Hasil: Implementasi penanggulangan TB dipengaruhi oleh peran tenaga kesehatan, peran promosi kesehatan dan peran kader TB. Besar pengaruh peran kesehatan 94,5%, peran promosi kesehatan 11,4%, dan peran kader TB 67,3%. Model mampu menjelaskan variabilitas data sebesar 97,3%, sedangkan 2,7% dijelaskan oleh variabel lain yang tidak dikaji dalam penelitian ini. Simpulan: Peningkatan peran tenaga kesehatan, peran promkes, dan peran kader TB berpengaruh pada penanggulangan TB. Oleh karena itu, sinergi lintas sektor, kerja sama tenaga kesehatan dan kader TB maupun masyarakat umum untuk mencapai target WHO, yaitu End TB tahun 2035 atau dan program Kementrian Kesehatan percepatan eliminasi program TB tahun 2030 perlu ditingkatkan dengan mencari Inovasi yang efektif.


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