Telehealth Sebagai Determinan Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Klien pada Masa Pendemi Covid-19

Bintang Petralina, Eggy Widya Larasati, Erika Lubis


Background: Health workers are exposed to the transmission of COVID-19 events in various countries, due to the lack of effective prevention at the level of health care facilities. There are still many clients who come to get midwifery services without using telehealth to be one of the risk factors for transmission to health workers and clients. The implementation of telemedicine services to prevent COVID-19, including midwifery services, needs to be evaluated. Purpose: This study is to analyze the effect of telehealth on increasing the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of clients. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional study design. The research sample is clients who visit midwifery services who have used teleregistration and teleconsultation totaling 300 respondents. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires using a questionnaire. Data analysis was carried out in stages, starting with univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis using multiple logistic regression tests. Results: The results of the study show that there is a significant relationship between knowledge, attitudes, and behavior with the use of telehealth. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that the behavior of clients who came to midwifery services had the most influence on the utilization of telehealth (ORadjusted = 25.19). Conclusion: Telehealth is able to provide the effect of increasing knowledge and positive attitudes and behaviors. Behavior is the most influential factor in the client's utilization of telehealth in midwifery services. Access to information on the use of telehealth services needs to be improved through education in various midwifery service facilities, especially to the community during the COVID-19 pandemic, so that transmission from health services can be minimized.


Pendahuluan: Tenaga kesehatan terpapar penularan kejadian covid-19 di berbagai negara, disebabkan karena belum efektif pencegahan di tingkat fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan. Masih banyaknya klien yang datang untuk mendapatkan layanan kebidanan tanpa memanfaatkan telehealth menjadi salah satu faktor risiko penularan terhadap tenaga kesehatan maupun klien. Penyelenggaraan pelayanan telemedicine upaya pencegahan covid-19, termasuk pelayanan kebidanan perlu dievaluasi. Tujuan:  Studi ini untuk menganalisis efek telehealth terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku klien. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan studi cross sectional. Sampel penelitian adalah klien yang berkunjung di pelayanan kebidanan yang telah memanfaatkan teleregistrasi dan telekonsultasi berjumlah 300 responden. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan angket menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data dilakukan secara bertahap mulai analisis univariat, bivariat dan multivariat menggunakan uji regresi logistik ganda. Hasil: Hasil studi menunjukkan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku dengan pemanfaatan telehealth. Analisis regresi logistik ganda menunjukkan bahwa perilaku klien yang datang ke pelayanan kebidanan paling berpengaruh terhadap pemanfaatan telehealth (ORadjusted = 25,19). Simpulan: Telehealth mampu memberikan efek peningkatan pengetahuan dan sikap serta perilaku positif. Perilaku menjadi faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap pemanfatan teleheatlh oleh Klien di pelayanan kebidanan. Akses informasi pemanfataan layanan telehealth perlu ditingkatkan melalui edukasi diberbagai sarana pelayanan kebidanan khususnya kepada masyarakat pada masa pandemi covid-19, sehingga penularan yang bersumber di pelayanan kesehatan mampu diminimalkan.


Pengetahuan; sikap; perilaku, telehealth; teleregistrasi dan telekonsultasi.

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