Obesitas Sebagai Faktor Risiko yang Paling Berpengaruh terhadap Kejadian Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 (Studi Kasus Kontrol)
Obesity is the dominant factor, Diabetes mellitus type 2 Metro city.Abstract
Background: The prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in Metro city from 10 regencies / cities in Lampung province is based on the highest diagnosis of health workers. Purpose: This study aims to determine the risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods: This study used a case-control study design conducted at 5 Metro City Health Centers. The population in this study were all residents who lived in the city of Metro who visited the Puskesmas. The number of research samples with a ratio of 1: 1 or 101 case groups and 101 control groups were taken by consecutive sampling technique. Collecting data sourced from primary data using interview and observation methods. Data analysis used multivariate analysis with multiple logistic regression tests (multiple logistic regression). Results: The study showed the results of the final multivariate modeling of type 2 DM, there were 3 variables namely obesity variable (ORadjusted = 8.237; 95% CI: 3.442-19.710), hereditary history (ORadjusted = 7.322; 95% CI: 3,250-16,498) and activity exercise (ORadjusted = 2,403; 95% CI: 0,980-5,892). Conclusion: Obesity as the most influential (dominant) determinant of type 2 DM with a 8.2 times greater risk than people who have normal weight, after being controlled by hereditary history variables and sports activities, as well as gender and age. Decrease and control of type 2 DM is primarily to control obesity in people with a healthy lifestyle.
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