Komplikasi Kehamilan dan Anemia Kehamilan Meningkatkan Insidensi Perdarahan Pascasalin (Studi Kasus Kontrol)
Pos partum hemorrhage, complications of pregnancy, anemia.Abstract
Postpartum hemorrhage is the first cause of maternal death. Purpose: This study aims to determine the risk factors for postpartum hemorrhage cases at Ahmad Yani Metro General Hospital. Methods: This study used a case control study design with a retrospective dimension. Case is postpartum maternal bleeding. The number of samples with a comparison of case groups and control groups is 1: 1 or 86 : 86. Data collection uses a checklist form questionnaire to obtain research variables including age, parity, pregnancy complications, anemia, fetal weight (independent variable) and postpartum hemorrhage (variable dependent). Data were analyzed by univariate analysis and bivariate analysis with the chi-square test. Results: The results showed there was a relationship between pregnancy complications (p-value = 0.049; OR = 1,927), anemia (p-value = 0,000; OR 5,031) with postpartum hemorrhage. Conclusion: Pregnancy complications and anemia factors increase the occurrence of postpartum hemorrhage. Antenatal care needs to be detected early and handling complications of pregnancy and anemia, so that post-saline bleeding can be prevented.
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