Sumiyati Sumiyati


Incidence pneumonia in babies in health center of north metro of 25 % , this number is higher than the level targeted by the program buster disease tract ( pneumonia ) set rate of 10 % toddlers as a target discovery patients pneumonia toddlers in a territory. The provision of breastfeeding not exclusively cause of occurrence of pneumonia. Research aims to understand relations the provision of breastfeeding not exclusively in toddlers age 7-24 months in the work area health center of north metro  2015. The kind of research this quantitative, design analytic with the approach case control. Population cases namely all toddlers age 7-24 months suffering from pneumonia and treatment at health center of north metro 2015 at 38 toddlers. Sample control that all toddlers age 7-24 months treatment at health center of north metro 2015 at 38 toddlers. Sample cases at 38 toddlers sample control of 38 toddlers taken to technique consecutive sampling by comparison 1:1. Way data collection with the questionnaire. The independent variable subjects the provision of breastfeeding not exclusively, dependent variable pneumonia. Analysis using by test chi square. The result of univariat test shows the proportion of the provision of breastfeeding not exclusively as many as 52.6 % ( 40 ). The results of statistical tests chisquare about the relationship breastfeeding not exclusively with pneumonia in toddlers age 7-24 months the results value = 0,003 which would mean there are meaningful relations between breastfeeding not exclusively with the genesis pneumonia in toddlers age 7-24 months. Conclusion research is the connection the provision of breastfeeding not exclusively with the genesis pneumonia in toddlers age 7-24 months.




Pneumonia, the provision of breastfeeding not exclusively

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