
  • Yoga Tri Wijayanti Program Studi Kebidanan Metro Poltekkes Kemenkes Tanjungkarang



Exercise of pregnancy, duration of birth


One of cause in height death maternal and perinatal at Indonesian and another developing countries is effects the duration times  of birth which exceed normal . Effort who can do that pregnancy mother to get birthing well through pregnancy excercise . Pregnant exercise was prevalent being done society at metropolises, as Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya. But at Lampung East, after umpteen the last year was encouraged to program mother class at several posyandu and poskesdes which activity  is pregnant exercise, only small number of pregnancy mother that follows  it. Based on Sukadana public health service’s repport only  between 8 pregnant mothers in third trimester's  only one whom followed that. So pregnancy mother that most flat with pregnant exercise activity also so rarely.  Considering of that the authors interest to studied about relation of exercise pregnancy and duration of labour in east lampung. This studi aims to be knowing relationship  between pregnant exercise with long time of birth.  This observational type is observational analytic with design observationaling to utilize approaching Cross sectional . Sample establishment that is done on this research is  accidental.   Measuring instrument that is utilized is questionnaire,  and check list. Trick measures to pass through observation and interview is captained. Analizes data utilizes Chi Square analizes. Result of  univariate test showed percentages of women birth that follow pregnant exercised regularly only 41%, percentage about long time of birth as 41%. The Result showed an association pregnant exercised with long time of birth at Independent Practicing Midwife in East Lampung.



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