
  • Indarwati Indarwati Program Studi Kebidanan Metro
  • Prasetyowati Prasetyowati Program Studi Kebidanan Metro
  • Septi Widiyanti Program Studi Kebidanan Metro




Support officer, family support, attitude, exclucive breastfeeding


The exclusive breastfeedingcoverage at the Banjarsari Health Center in 2016 is 57.8%, this figure is below the national target of 80%.The causes of non-exclusive breastfeeding are a lack of support from health workers such as misinformation, lack of unfavorite family support in exclusive breastfeeding, misbehavior of the mother against the promotion of formula milk that causes non-exclusive breastfeeding. The purpose of this study to determine the factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding in infants aged 6-12 months in the work area Puskesmas Banjarsari Kota Metro Year 2017.This type of research is a quantitative study with cross sectional approach. Population in this research is a mother who has baby aged 6-12 month that is 82 people with a number of sample counted 69 respondent using the technique of Accidental sampling, data analysis using chi square. The result of research obtained by respondent giving exclusive breast feeding counted 53,6% , support of health workers who support with 40.5%, 30 supporting family support 43.4%, mothers did not support the promotion of infant formula with 58%. The result of the statistical test shows that the relationship between the support of the officer and p value = 0,027, the relation between family support with P-value = 0,032, and the relationship of mother attitude toward the promotion of formula with P-value = 0,027 to exclusive breastfeeding.


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