DMPA injections, Sexual dysfunctionAbstract
Injectable contraceptives Depo Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (DMPA) is one of hormonal contraceptives that is widespread and increases over time. According to WHO, today almost 380 million couples run family planning and 66 -75 million of them, especially in developing countries, using hormonal contraceptives. Long-term using of contraceptive DMPA injections will result in sexual dysfunction in the form of decreased libido Sexual problems, regardless of age, may adversely affect the incidence of sexual dysfunction and emotional health. Sexual dysfunction in women is a common disease, in which two out of five women have at least one type of sexual dysfunction, and the most common complaint is low sexual arousal / libido (Michael & O 'Hara, 2007). This study aims to determine the description of contraceptive using with contraceptive sexual dysfunction in Metro City. The number of samples in this study was 78 people. Analysis of data with univariate. The result of the research was 36 (46,2%) acceptor using contraception method of DMPA injection, and as many as 42 (53,8) acceptors used non DMPA contraception. Family planning acceptors who experience sexual dysfunction are 25 (32.05%), while 53 (67,95%) acceptors do not experience sexual dysfunction. Midwives’ suggestions in providing health education to mother is acceptor to explain the side effects and complications of each method of contraception.
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