Stabilitas Whole Blood Control Tiga Level Yang Disimpan Pada Suhu 2-8oC Menggunakan Alat Hematology Analyzer


  • Adela Caesaria Politeknik Kesehatan Kemekes Surabaya
  • Anik Handayati Politeknik Kesehatan Kemekes Surabaya
  • Ayu Puspitasari Politeknik Kesehatan Kemekes Surabaya



Stability. Complete blood count, Complete blood cells, Hematology


Quality assurance is important to ensure that the quality system runs properly and guarantees the results of laboratory tests, one of which is the inspection of control materials. The control material requirement is to have long stability, blood-like characteristics and low price. From these conditions, commercial control materials have a longer stability than fresh blood but are expensive. In practice, commercial control materials are still used even after the expiry date of the materials has passed. This is because the availability of materials is often delayed, the procurement of materials takes a long time and the price is relatively expensive. Therefore, this study aims to determine the stability of commercial whole blood control stored at 2-8oC. This research is an experimental analytic study with a cross sectional research design. The sample in this study was commercial whole blood control with 3 levels, namely normal, low abnormally and abnormally high levels which were stored at 2-8oC and checked every week for 10 weeks. Based on the test results obtained p-value for each parameter at all levels on the parameters of the number of erythrocytes, leukocyte count, hematocrit, hemoglobin and platelet count. Based on the results, it can be concluded that there is no change in the stability of whole blood control with storage for 10 weeks at a temperature of 2-8oC on the parameters of abnormally low and normal leukocyte count levels, abnormally low and abnormally high hematocrit levels, and all levels on the parameters of leukocyte count, hemoglobin and platelet count. Meanwhile, in the normal level of hematocrit parameters and abnormally high leukocyte count, there is a change in stability.


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